Sama AL Ebtikar Foundation for Sustainable Development

Sama Al Ebtikar Foundation for Sustainable Development in Diwaniyah Governorate organized a dialogue session on environmental journalism.

The head of the institution, Engineer Raad Kurdi, told the Iraqi Media News Agency / INA, that “the session, in which cultural, governmental and journalist elites participated, and a number of civil society organizations, focused on the importance of environmental journalism in Iraq, comes with the support and funding of the Internews organization, which urged the need to highlight The environmental reality, which is witnessing a significant deterioration in light of global climatic changes, especially that Iraq has been classified as one of the five most dangerous countries in the world in the field of environmental collapse.

Noting that “the second deputy of the governor of Diwaniyah, Dr. Malik al-Husseini, spoke during the session about the importance of these dialogue sessions to identify environmental problems and issues in the province and their positive impact on the importance of improving local policies in Diwaniyah, especially the environmental reality, especially since the environmental press sheds light on these problems according to the culture of society and the language Figures and data.

Kurdi indicated, “The aim of organizing dialogue sessions related to environmental journalism is to highlight the need to take care of the environment, which is mainly the responsibility of the citizen, being the most affected by the current reality.”

Stressing, “There are serious steps that can mitigate the impact of climate deterioration in Iraq by spreading the culture of planting perennial trees that act as windbreaks and reduce air pollutants and get rid of pollutants that are thrown into rivers.”

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